Facebook Business Brand
Illustration system development, refinement, and library building.
PHASE 1: First exploration
I, as well as several other Illustrators, was approached by the Business Brand design team at Meta in 2020 to help create a new look for their illustration catalog. Looking to modern illustration, they wanted a more organic and human approach to better reflect the direction the company wanted too move towards.
Illustration given to me as an example of the style they wanted to work from. Credit: BUCK Design Agency
An example of work I’d done prior to this assignment for Facebook.
My task: to combine the two styles and find a midway point, with the individuality of the first and the replicability of the second. It was requested I not use any texture.
Inicial sketch phase
Render of initial sketch
Several images were given to direct-translate into this exploration.
PHASE 2: A second look
After a period of review by the team, my approach was chosen to move forward for refinement. Upon reflection, I needed to liven things up with pattern and color. I also needed to make the people feel more organic and less identical in features.
Revised line-up
Revised direct-translations:
Additional translations: